Hi folks, I'm Alan Watt and this is Cutting Through The Matrix on June 9, 2019. I've actually had a couple of good days of sunny weather. It's been rather pleasant. Although the mosquitoes as always are getting their revenge on a long winter. I think they've modified the mosquitoes. I think they've created a new kind of flying platform… or oil rig. [Alan laughing.] Because the size of the holes they're leaving in you [Alan laughing.] it makes you wonder, doesn't it, if these things certainly are. Isn't it astonishing, something that's so tiny, that comes at you by the millions, and it can cause so much havoc. And supposedly they've now got a way around it, apart from the usual lotions you put on yourself. But you'd think there'd be something a bit more high-tech than that. Although of course they keep talking about breeding sterile males which they release into the population, and supposedly this is to help diminish the numbers of offspring of these mosquitoes. It doesn't seem to work much though does it. [Alan chuckles.] It makes you wonder what else they're sterilizing, doesn't it, [Alan chuckles.] in the process. Who knows? But there you go.
But they're doing well, of course, the mosquitoes. So, I guess the biodiversity crew from Maurice Strong's days, where they all got rights, all the animals and plants and insects got rights. We don't have any, but they get them all. I guess that keeps them all happy. I always say that every year, I don't need to donate any blood to any society because I do enough every year to nature. I'm certainly… I'm probably the dad of billions of them by now, they've had so much blood off me. But that's the way it goes, isn't it, 'eh? That's the way it goes.
You used to think at one time, why can't they put... Because they've tried it apparently with insects. You'll see these little ads for a kind of high-frequency type sonic deterrents for mice or things like that. I don't know if they work at all, I very much doubt it personally. But they also have them supposedly for certain kinds of bugs. But I wonder too if they could even work… The thing that does work, apparently, apparently, is something they were selling a few years ago where you had big canisters of propane and they would go through a kind of machine which would give off CO2, and the CO2 naturally attracts the mosquitoes. And they went into a kind of a vacuum thing, like a vacuum suction thing that would suck 'em up in this particular machine. And supposedly they had some good success. I never tried them so I don't really know.
And I think that anything that puts out CO2 today will be taboo, including us, of course. Once you get to carbon neutral, you understand, we won't be around, obviously. Nothing will live on the planet to get to carbon neutral. There'll be nothing alive at all, obviously, you know. Because we give it off when we breathe out, and plants take it in at a certain time of their 24-hour cycle and they put out oxygen. So to get a carbon neutral planet, since we're all carbon-based life forms, all of us, then everything's dead. There's a good goal for you, hm. But again, facts don't really matter when there's big agendas at work, isn't it?
After all, the sustainability idea is for total control of humanity. That was always the intention of it. And for folk who haven't figured it out, under sustainability, the whole thing is a reduction of the population. They've been quite explicit about how much they predict every person is going to consume in their lifetime, how much it needs to feed them, and all the carbon produced from that kind of stuff, and all the clothing, etc. etc., and heating. So the fewer folk they can have around, then obviously they'll meet their sustainability targets. Mind you, they'll also decide along the way, and this is inevitable of course and everybody knows it, that they'll go the whole way that they planned to do in early 1900s, which was, they'll have panels that will decide who can have children and who cannot. That's always been inevitable. Step by step by step these things are introduced. And you all know it's true. You all know it's true.
I can remember years ago talking about so many things, not because I was guessing about stuff but because I'd read so much of the stuff. Unlike some of the people that followed my example, but only they pretended that they read all the stuff. I actually did read out all that stuff. And some of them actually today still prattle on. They copy my shows actually in the same week or two weeks later. And verbatim. I do all the work and get all the topics and do all the searching and so on from the source, and they use it all. There's one in particular you all know. But it's rather disgusting, isn't it? That tells you a lot to about their personalities.
But anyway, getting back to what I'm saying. Years ago, you talk about so many things, that would definitely get put into being. Because step-by-step they always introduced them, hm. And we adapt and we adapt, and they know we adapt. It's little by little until they've achieve their goals. Well, at the time when you come out with these things, years and years ago, the folk would say, oh, that's a conspiracy nut theory. Because that's what they were taught to say by, again, media reporters, that really work for the CIA. And I'm not kidding about that either. I mean, there were documentaries they had about that that came out in the 60s, the 70s and the 80s, a lot of them in the top television stations in the US were actually CIA employees. You don't have to be a full-time employee to be a member of them. The same with CSIS in Canada. They could take contracts, like part-time things, you see, and have full-time... For instance, some of the professors in universities are members of them. That's quite common, in all countries in fact.
So anyway, getting back to what I'm saying. They would pooh-pooh it and say, oh, that's crazy and nuts and so on. But it all comes to pass. And the people who would laugh at it, when you asked them, why would they laugh? And they'd say, oh, that could never happen. And you say, well why couldn't that never happen? Well, they...they...they... somebody would stop that. Well, who's the somebody? Who's the somebody, you always hear the same thing, oh, somebody would stop that. Because it won't be them. It's not them. They won't say, I'm going to stop it or try to... Oh, somebody will stop that. Or they say, they'd never do it to us, whoever they are, hey, they'd never do it to us. They presume that there's some kind of benevolent supreme commander looking after us all here. And I'm not talking about a deity. Well, they might think they are. But they really think that there's some kind of deity overseeing it all with our best interests in mind. And of course, that's how they're trained to see things.
Even when things are put forward to them to indoctrinate them, to give up their rights and freedoms under a world threat, oh the world's going to end because of man's destruction of the planet. That's the greatest one they came up with, you see. Before that they tried atomic warfare as well. We were the enemy then too, you see. Even though most of us are ignorant of it all, and most of us have never studied atomic energy to any extent at all, certainly not in that field, at that level. But then they came up with, we're all killing the planet. We're all gonna die anyway, you see, they couldn't get a comet to pass by quick enough to really give us a big fright so they came up with this idea. Because once you give up all your rights to save the world, now you're in a wartime mode, you see. And it is a war, you see. It's a war against the population of the planet. And don't think that somehow you're exempt from it if you're living pretty well in your middle-class or whatever it happens to be in some of the first world countries. The first world is going down pretty fast by the way, don't think you’re exempt from it. Because it's a war on the whole planet's populations.
Many people at the top in the Fabian organizations a long time ago were rather open about it. Bernard Shaw was one of the better ones to expound the theories of true mandated scientific socialism and control over the populations and your lives from birth to death. That's what they want. And believe you me, it's really going into that in this day and age right now. Very evident, for those who understand it. Most folk don't. Most folk don't want to. But it's a choice as well. Even when it stares them in the face. And I understand it. It's a frightening thing to realize that the system that you're born into and brought up with is really not there to have your best interests at heart. But they do want you to believe in it, obviously. I'm talking about the ones who gave you the impressions that you have on the system. It's quite easy to understand how it's been done in any… Look at the countries in the past, look at tyrannies and so on. And yet we can't equate tyrannies with ourselves because no one is bashing you on the head right now.
In some countries there are. I mean, if you look at France, for instance, with yellow vests and so on going on, it's one of the best covered up things right now. And the whole of Europe is going along with this cover up, want to keep it as quiet as possible. When literally there's thousands of people getting injured all the time. Supposedly it all started with the increases that Macron had put on, the taxing of fuels and so on and diesel, which is transport and consumption of foodstuffs. Which we're going to get here too, by the way. You're going to get all the austerity taxes put on us here. And carbon taxes as well. It's already happening. And once they really tax the diesel and gasoline, so your food even, ha, is transported by tractor-trailer, big trucks or else it's done by train and so on, that's all going to get passed on to you. You'll be in the same boat shortly, because France was a test case for it.
So, taxes go up and up and up. There's not enough work. There's none of money. And you can't, and then everything that's taxed, especially the fuel line, ends up being tacked onto you. So even basic, basic things like food is too expensive. We're already seeing that. A lot of people are hurting even in Canada here. I know it because I know the prices of food is getting ridiculous. Then again, it's authorized by governments to keep increasing food. And that's classed as energy, by the way, if you haven't figured it out.
So, you're going into the austerity mode that I talked about a few years ago. Because that was mandated we all go into austerity. It's the start of it. It might get brought to a stage where there will be riots. And then the governments, believe you me, if they can let them loose in France, they can let them loose anywhere. And they're all ready for it by the way, for big time riots if it comes to that too. But you're going into the sci-fi mode of all the movies we saw in the 90s, with the bad bad future of dystopia, run by a system which is rather nasty and inhumane, and we're all living in rubble and trying to, you know, feed off garbage dumps and so on. Don't laugh at these things because they can be done so quickly, if it was ever needed to be done by those who deem it necessary, those who are in control.
There are documentaries out now from France with so many photographs and pictures of people who've lost their eyes because of these rubber bullets they call them, these riot control type bullets that are fired hitting people in the face and losing their eyes. Very very common. I think it's one and a half thousands so far, maybe more. And these things are pretty high velocity at close range as well, and they go right through the faces of people. So this isn't a little skirmish of protesters. This is a full-scale war on the people basically and it's being covered up to a great extent.
Because the folk were just fed up with the higher taxes and lack of work and so on and so on. And of being dismissed by this character Macron. I watched a documentary where a woman who’s a representative for the Yellowjackets, but she's actually a lawyer who comes from a family that always were part of the police forces, and she was one too at one time. She's discussing it and talking how bad it is and why it's all happening. She said that Macron himself is such a... he's an incredible snob apparently, silver spoon type of guy. And he so derogatory when it comes to talking about people who haven't gone to university, like the working classes. He's giving talks about people in factories being basically illiterate and saying things like that. What a character this is, really.
But you see, that's the kind of people that are chosen as front people to supposedly pretend that they are up running the countries. It's astonishing how in-your-face it can be at times. And even then we don't want to believe it. Most people don't want to believe the bad news. Or they'll make excuses for them, and they'll say, well, yeah, I know they said that, they can't really mean it. Or, it was a slip, or, they had a bad day or something. No, the this is the way that they see you, the people who are in charge, this is how they really see you. And every country's got the same types as Macron. Especially in the civil service and areas like that.
And it's sad, but true, isn't it, that humanity really doesn't change much, and they go through the pretense of having a classless society. What a joke that is, a classless society. What a lot of nonsense, 'eh? It's as alive and well as it's always been. I guess that's just the way of nature too, this idea of being better than other people because of wealth. It can affect anybody, even the ones who start at the bottom and start to get some cash coming in, and they can change their opinion of everybody else rather quickly too. It's easy to become a snob. Very easy. You'll see it in everyday life in fact.
But getting back to what I'm prattling on about here, which is basically that the people will pooh-pooh all the bad things that are written about. And when you give them evidence of it too, from sources in the big think tanks that work for governments, and you see them being implemented, these different actions, even though you show them proof they'll decide not to believe it. Because it's too frightening for them to believe. However, if some famous person, or even an actor or actress comes on television and talks about it, it must be true! It's just too easy to get, ha-ah, people who they think is a special authoritative person, and if they're an actor or actress they must be authoritative, they must have a… No, they're not!
Have you ever really met many actors or actresses? There's not much to say. They're really not that great at conversation, you know. They're not. You'll start yawning in no time at all. They really don't know very much about the world. They have their own little world that they're in. They don't have a lot of interests outside what they do basically. Sometimes later on they take up positions as PR people for big causes or charitable things, etc. Which is also often a tax write off, you see. But in reality, they don't know an incredible... Well, I could even go through some musicians too, well-known ones, but they'd bore you stiff. They really would. You'd pinch yourself to stay awake. But that's the truth of it. A lot of them to can become snobs so easily as well just because they're wealthy, you see. They always say if you forget where you came from, then you haven’t grown as a human being, you've actually shrunk. And that thing is very, very true. So people really, as I say, don't want to believe unless, because it's just too bad, isn't it, and I've heard people tell me, they choose not to believe something, even though you've got documents from the government’s own websites on different things and they can read it. It's a strange thing, isn't it, where they decide not to want to believe it, it's too upsetting. M-hm. And that's what governments count on.
Do you understand this idea of democracy is such nonsense, when you have a massive, massive, it's like an overcast sky of multi layers of think tanks and nongovernmental organizations all working with each other, thousands of them across the world for every facet of society for every country, on every particular area of topic of managing the public, including education, everything, and the UN specifies that governance must include all these organizations. Well, did you vote for that? Of course you didn't, you didn't vote for that. And these organizations have all these different charters they're signing all the time, and signing deeper into them, even like the Paris Treaty and all this kind of thing, and then the next one too, 2030 for sustainability and the environment and so on. And again, in those ones too, those charters as well to the United Nations, it says again, that all, ALL interested parties must attend. Well, we don't even get a chance to attend anything, never mind say anything. So, who are we kidding here!? Hm?
Because we certainly are kidding ourselves. Democracy, what a joke that is. And when you go into even the end of World War II when they were very open about world government, and not just government but governance and all of... Again, exactly what I'm talking about now, where it'll be a different world, a different kind of, you couldn't just have children, you couldn't just marry who you want to marry and all that kind of stuff. That was all, they tried all that then, tried to push it but it didn't sail very well so they went quiet on it. But they kept working at it. And we're really there now. It's been pretty well successful. The family unit is destroyed, a la Karl Marx. And don't forget that every single political party we've had, regardless of what they claim to be, have signed further and further and further into the same single agenda, folks, without exception. And you still think it's all real [Alan laughing.] these parties and so on. It's beautiful, isn't it.
But when you realize just how much has been accomplished, and how you've always had the wool pulled over your eyes, and they're still doing it, even more so today... There are so many organizations, at the end of World War II, as I say, they set up the program for the United Europe, right. It was to be kept secret from the public, that the whole goal was to completely incorporate all the nations into a single entity, completely under a parliamentary system, a single parliament. And again, the same with the Asian countries, far Eastern Pacific Rim countries. And then the Americas as well. And they're still at it. And there's no point prattling on about it and repeating it all, I've done it all before, about the different things that have happened here.
It’s still on the go, if you haven't figured it out yet. The only reason they're keeping it slightly separate in North America is they must keep Americans thinking that they have a country, which is theirs. Because they're paying for the wars that are still to happen yet. They've got to finish the list, the list from the 90s, that's got to be finished and they've got to go through it all, you see. And it wouldn't wash, they couldn't get recruits or people to go in, or even people to pay taxes towards a system of wars that was for the whole of the Americas. But they'll do it for their nation-state. You see, it's a patriotic thing that's instinctive in people, and that's what they count on.
Years ago, I can remember talking about the radio frequencies of the Internet and Wi-Fi, which again goes into the microwave range. There's been so many articles that have come out over the years, still coming out too, mainly from countries that are allowed to still publish of them, like Switzerland or Sweden and different places, on the effects of Wi-Fi, or the effects too of brain cancers going up and up and up and the association to magnetic fields, strong fields and so on. Whereas in the West it's pretty well dampened down, the whole idea of speaking about it, although we have more than our fair share, you might say, of youngsters getting brain cancers. Not just youngsters, of course, but they're certainly more prone because their brains are still, they're still growing. They're children, they're still growing, right, their brains and all that too. Cells are dividing very quickly, etc. etc. and that's when unfortunately, you get a change in the splitting of cells. Then you get the oddball one coming in, and for some reason the immune system doesn't go into action and destroy it, or it can't destroy it maybe because it's working so fast and changing so fast and multiplying so fast that the cancerous tumor develops.
There's so much of it today I won't even bother going into it. To me it's boring because I've done talks on this before. People will say, well, it's bad news and we don't want to hear bad news. But they know about it too, it's the same idea that people had with going into war. You know, they'd sign up for the wars and be home by Christmas, that's the propaganda that was told to them then. And a good portion of them would die or be wounded and really disabled for life. But each one who went in thought that they would not get hit, you see. That's the nature of humanity, it's always some vague other person's going to get it. And if you all knew, the ones who eventually get killed, that they would definitely get killed, they wouldn't go. It's the same with smoking cigarettes or anything else like that, you know. Or even playing some kind of tag across the roads as a child and trying to dodge the cars. Well, that's what it is, you're playing dice basically. Well, that's the same natural phenomena that you have in you, saying that won't happen to me, of course, it's always someone else that's going to get it and I'll be okay.
Isn't it strange, that all the folks who come down with cancers, is always someone else, hey, it doesn't happen to you? It's like you automatically go into the survival mode of seeing them as them, them, like something’s different about them that must be really different and so different in fact, because they're not you obviously, so that means they're really, really different, I'm okay. That's the simple thing people have, and everybody's got it. But it does happen to people… that can happen to all of us. Folk who even listen here now have had it, had different things like cancers. Different people get in touch with me too telling me about the trials that they're going through and it's just the way it is.
I can remember years ago watching a public broadcasting thing in Canada and two scientists started talking on this live show of the dangers of electromagnetic radiation. They were closed down before they got much of it out of their mouths, in fact, by the station itself. Someone had to have called in to cut them off. But they were qualified, top scientists in their field of electromagnetics and frequencies. So that kind of made me wonder about it, way, way, many years ago, before even the Internet was up and running the way it is today.
If you do have a radio, a normal radio, you can get especially AM frequency, from the AM… well, you'll see it with the FM too if you get close enough to the screen of your computer. You'll put an AM station, and especially a shortwave station, and you'll hear the racket, the noise as you get closer and closer to that screen, or to the actual computer itself, the main body of the computer. Because it gives off an incredibly powerful electromagnetic field all around it, in fact. I even had, when I use cheepo electric wire sensors, the little pencil type that you're meant to touch the insulation of a wire, and it will glow and give a little buzzing sound if there was live current going through. Well, it will go off near the computer actually, without touching the computer it will actually go off and do the same thing. Well, you're sitting so close to the darned thing, hhch, no one thinks anything about it, hey.
I can remember years ago too when they actually had people who were using the laptops, and they were having cancers of, males, of the testes. That was accepted as fact by the medical community that this was happening, that's what they thought the reason would be, that they were using, sitting the thing on their lap. That's why they call it laptop, right. But it's got that strong signal, electromagnetic current and it's in Wi-Fi for most of the time that they're using it. So there's a double whammy. And they always give you warnings about it, but I don't know if they still give you warnings, don't put it on your lap. Why do they call it a laptop then, 'eh?
Hhhhh. You can't make people use common sense. You can't make them use it, common sense. But at the same time as I say, most folk think it will never happen to me. But it's happening to a lot of people, the other folks out there, you know, them, not me. But them, [Alan laughing.] that phenomena again. I can remember doing the articles across, with some of the Canadian authorities, and the US too. They were putting up the antennas on schools to broadcast Wi-Fi, right through the area, the school and the playground too. They had measured the currents of it all and so on. People were getting, including the teachers were getting incredible headaches with it. At least that was the outcome with most of these places. And confusion at times as well, which it can cause as well. So eventually they took a lot of these antennas down again, I remember it happening to a place not far from me, because of its potency basically.
But give it a little bit of time and they'll all forget it. And we do. Today I think people's memories are getting shorter and shorter. Because what I'm talking about was only about three or four years ago, maybe five at the most. And yet all that stuff is coming back again and now you're going into the 5G system. Now, the 5G system was officially launched, they launched it in Scotland for the UK, actually tried Scotland. At least the Orkney's, the islands north of Scotland. That was the test base, I guess. They did a kind of launching of it over a week ago. Apparently, it failed [Alan chuckles.] during a live PR thing by the BBC. But the idea was that, it says…
5G: Why Orkney got the latest tech before London
bbc.com / 30 May 2019
People living in six major cities are now able to access the UK's first 5G network for the first time.
But the latest superfast technology has already been available for months - to islanders in Orkney, farmers in Shropshire, and some cows in Somerset.
They have been taking part in a trial, part funded by the UK government, which is designed to make the case for investment in areas without lots of customers.
Live BBC broadcast over 5G network on launch day fails - bbc.com / 30 May 2019
5G: Finally, it's here in the UK - so what is it? - bbc.com / 30 May 2019
And it tells you what it is to an extent, 5G. Really… Well… Even then it's very, very thin on facts because they don't go into the effects of it really. Hm. Oh, you'll get faster Internet speeds, things like that, or be able to download more stuff at the same time, that kind of thing, that's what they're telling you, all the plus things about it. But it says that maintaining Wi-Fi across the islands basically and how it's going to work out there, but it's going to be awfully, awfully expensive. And you're only going to get about I think it's 10 gigs a month, although they'll probably have ideas that you can pay more and more money. But it says here that there's 5G handsets, you see, you have to get a 5G handset to go along with it. So, in the meantime most folk will still be getting their 4G systems, working with that basically until they have everything else ironed out. But it's awfully expensive.
It's the Internet-of-things, really. The other articles in the techie magazines talk about, it's the Internet of things, where all the different appliances and everything will communicate with everything else. And literally there'll be nowhere you can hide anymore because you'll be traced and tracked everywhere by a thousand different things you don't even know exist around you. Even nanotechnology too. They did documentaries on that years ago on the nanotechnology and the 5G system. Basically, it's here, the Internet-of-things as they call it. They talk about the speeds of it, you make it 20 gigs per second they say. Which of course will be way up, way beyond what we're going to get. But they always do, they always overestimate all the pluses that it's going to do for you. And how expensive it will be of course.
And also too, they're saying that it'll be more expensive because if Huawei doesn't get the contracts you’re left with other contracts, or contractors to give you the 5G. Which is quite interesting to me because all that stuff with China is just to see what country's going to get the big contracts. Because they'll supply all the security systems across the world with money, on all your… even the NSA will be getting their stuff from them too, you see. So, it's a big, big contract and of course, there's big battles. And some folk have been more open about where it's going, who's going to get the contracts. It's quite something else. Business, business, business, isn't it?
I'm going to do an article here on the 5G and it says…
5G, There's Nowhere to Hide!
mieuxprevenir.blogspot.com / 26 May 2019 / Dr Tracy Chandler
(Alan: This is a good article in fact about people who are exposing some of the dangers. It says…)
Our health is more important than having cars that talk to each other or faster movie downloads, states Dr Tracy Chandler (aka Dr Wellness) who says we should be wary of 5G.
Crowd control. No these aren’t the words of a conspiracy theorist but actual history of 5G (a form of radio frequency, or RF radiation) which was originally used in the last Century (A: …that’s the 20th century…) for crowd control but was later mostly abandoned because it burnt people.
(A: They've got links to it too, these actual articles from the defense.gov about the actual burning of people with what they were using for crowd control and the 5G system. Anyway, it says…)
This week’s opinion piece has been an accumulation of many weeks of research and communication with experts in the field of the effects of 5G on human health. It was therefore heartening to see the media recently take on this controversial topic.
The key sentence in this Stuff article is an eloquent quote from University of Auckland psychology professor Susan Pockett: “Approximately 600 peer-reviewed research reports from a range of international scientists show us that radio frequency radiation is linked to [multiple medical conditions including] infertility, (A: Well, that's a plus factor, you see, again, coincidentally for the big agenda, for sustainability, right. And…) diabetes, various kinds of cancer and psychiatric disorders”.
(A: Interesting, psychiatric disorders, ‘eh.)
In fact, the research on the health effects of 5G is even more extensive than that quoted by in that article with tens of thousands published over the last 80 years. This huge database clearly refutes the industry funded research that claims no harmful effects from EMF’s (here and here).
(A: And it gives you again links on legitimate scientific investigations on this.)
As the Stuff article mentions, “more than 200 scientists have written to the United Nations and the World Health Organization (WHO) expressing concerns about potential health risks from the technology”. Whilst RF radiation was classified as Group 2B in 2011, a possible human carcinogen (along with lead) after advice from the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) there have been further studies since then which have strengthened the association, leading to many scientists calling for EMFs to be classified as a “Group 1 carcinogen” along with tobacco smoke and asbestos.
(A: Not a bad article this actually. As I say, it isn't just guessing about stuff. They have a lot of studies to back up what's being said here.)
The WHO has ‘appeared’ to be proactive by launching a paper for public comment in 2014 on RF fields and health. However, it turned out that five of the six members of the Core Group in charge of the paper are affiliated with International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP), an industry loyal organisation, and thus have a serious conflict of interest.
That's how they always do it at the World Health Organization. The same with different organizations that are overseeing the drugs, drug safety and so on for the public. They're often affiliated with the very pharmacies and so on that actually make the pills and medicines. That's how they do things in the real world. Anyway, I'll put this article up for those who want to look through it. Also go through this article here and it says…
Europe 5G to cost many billions more if Chinese vendors banned - aljazeera.com / 7 Jun 2019
Then an article by DARPA. Quite interesting, in fact, it says…
US Military Developing Wireless Tech to Control Weapons With Your Mind
tomsguide.com / 22 May 2019
DARPA wants to wirelessly connect human brains to machines, allowing soldiers to fully control weapon systems, view things remotely like a three-eyed Raven, or feel stuff remotely.
Imagine the potential applications, not only for military control of airplanes weapons, but also for civilian uses, from controlling artificial vision systems to completely immersive virtual reality systems that will transport your consciousness to alternate relatives.
(A: Hmph. Alternate relatives, 'eh?)
It's the stuff of science fiction, but scientists have already made some advanced in the field. The first human neuroprosthetic devices appeared in the mid-1990s, allowing patients to crudely control artificial limbs.
So, they always go into the nice things you can do, and, we're here to help people. The military-industrial complex is here to help people, right. But anyway, it says they've got all these different projects on the way for finding ways to, to manage basically your brain, in the military and also in civilian life as well. You're living in the technotronic era remember, and you tie that with the 5G, and the waves which can go across an entire continent, like Brzezinski said in the 1970s. He says, they have the technology then to bathe a whole continent in technotronic waves basically, of power that would influence the behavior of the entire population and even pacify them. Old stuff in a sense. However, what they say they're working on was done long ago if fact. They're really just meaning their putting it into operation on a bigger scale now.
Also, it says...
Amazon wants to 3D-scan volunteers’ bodies for a $25 gift card
theverge.com / 23 May 2019
Amazon is gathering data about body types by inviting volunteers to get scanned, taped, and photographed. As spotted by Mashable, the company is running a study to “learn about diversity among body shapes,” offering a $25 gift card for a 30-minute appointment in New York. Participants will take a survey and assent to 3D scans (plus photos and videos) of their body — first in their everyday attire, then in “form-fitting” clothing.
(A: Do you understand where all this is going?)
The study is run by Amazon Body Labs, originally a startup that Amazon acquired in 2017. Body Labs produced detailed 3D body models for shopping and gaming; as Mashable notes, it grew out of an attempt to identify criminals (A: …initially, right.) with computer vision techniques. And Amazon has gathered this kind of body data before. The Wall Street Journal reported on a longer-term study in 2018, when Amazon asked to scan participants several times over a 20-week period, measuring changes to body shape over time.
So again, it's not just their faces that they're doing, it's your whole body. Everything identifies you, even the way you walk, that's all studied as well by the way. And recorded. [Alan chuckles.] Yep.
Comments on US National Toxicology Program reports on toxicology and carcinogenesis study in rats exposed to whole-body radiofrequency radiation at 900 MHz (A: 900 is much lower, remember.) in mice exposed to whole-body radiofrequency radiation at 1,900 MHz
ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/24 Oct 2018
During the use of handheld mobile and cordless phones, the brain is the main target of radiofrequency (RF) radiation. An increased risk of developing glioma and acoustic neuroma has been found in human epidemiological studies. Primarily based on these findings, the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) at the World Health Organization (WHO) classified in May 2011 RF radiation at the frequency range of 30 kHz-300 GHz as a ‘possible’ human carcinogen, Group 2B. A carcinogenic potential for RF radiation in animal studies was already published in 1982. This has been confirmed over the years, more recently in the Ramazzini Institute rat study. An increased incidence of glioma in the brain (A: That’s the brain cancer type that you’re seeing more common right now in youngsters.) and malignant schwannoma in the heart was found in the US National Toxicology Program (NTP) study on rats and mice. The NTP final report is to be published; however, the extended reports are published on the internet for evaluation and are reviewed herein in more detail in relation to human epidemiological studies. Thus, the main aim of this study was to compare earlier human epidemiological studies with NTP findings, including a short review of animal studies.
(A: It's quite detailed actually for those that care to read through it.)
The brain is the main target of the exposure to RF radiation during the use of handheld wireless phones; both mobile and cordless phones. Thus, an increased risk of developing brain tumors has long been a cause for concern.
Then they go into it all for those who care, as I say. Also…
WHO - Electromagnetic fields and public health
who.int / May 2006
Mobile telephony is now commonplace around the world. This wireless technology relies upon an extensive network of fixed antennas, or base stations, relaying information with radiofrequency (RF) signals. Over 1.4 million base stations exist worldwide and the number is increasing significantly with the introduction of third generation technology.
(A: Well, we’re beyond that now. This was going back to 2006, this particular article.)
Other wireless networks that allow high-speed internet access and services, such as wireless local area networks (WLANs)… (A: …and so on and so on.)
Recent surveys have shown that the RF exposures from base stations range from 0.002% to 2% of the levels of international exposure guidelines.
There has been concern about possible health consequences from exposure to the RF fields produced by wireless technologies.
(A: Then it goes into the…)
Health concerns
(A: So, it shows the early findings, from increase in body temperatures…)
. . . increase in body temperature (> 1 °C) from exposure at very high field intensity found only in certain industrial facilities, such as RF heaters. The levels of RF exposure from base stations and wireless networks are so low that the temperature increases are insignificant and do not affect human health.
Now, they've done it before in universities, since then in universities where they've actually put two cell phones, nevermind the base stations, but two cell phones quite close and put an egg in the middle and eventually you can actually cook the egg in the shell. I'll put this up too, the early findings. Another one too is…
Electromagnetic Radiation Safety
saferemr.com / 9 June 2019
(A: These are studies from universities and so on like at Berkeley. It says…)
"Cell Phones, Cell Towers, and Wireless Safety" (UC Berkeley presentation / video & slides, Feb. 2019)
(A: That's one of them, with the links on it too. Another one is...)
Recent Research on Wireless Radiation and Electromagnetic Fields
650 Abstracts of scientific papers published since August 2016.
5G Wireless Technology: Millimeter Wave Health Effects
(A: And it's the millimeter waves that are really, really, whoa, packed. Nasty thing, actually, this 5G. And the ones below it, mind you, aren't much better as far as I personally think anyway.)
ICNIRP’s Exposure Guidelines for Radio Frequency Fields
(A: It gives you the European journalist team's findings on it.)
5G Wireless Technology: Cutting Through the Hype
Many news stories debunk the exaggerated benefits of 5G cellular technology and effects of cell phone use on adolescents. Research on adolescents suggest that cell phones disturb sleep and has an adverse effect on memory and cognitive processes and the endocrine system.
(A: Interesting, on the endocrine system as well too, which secretes different hormones and so throughout your body for different purposes. A lot of good links here actually that are well studied areas on the effects of it and so on. And various professors’ writings in universities too about their findings to the testing, etc. Really interesting actually. If anybody really cares. Again, most folk don't want to hear the bad news. You want to just have fun, right. Again, back to that human thing, you'll never get the problems but someone else will. And even then, it's like a human thing, too, there must be something wrong with them to start with, that's why they got it, you see. It's amazing how people rationalize so much without any real evidence of their conclusions. [Alan chuckles.] And then...)
Recent Research on Wireless Radiation and Electromagnetic Fields
(A: And different links here I'll put up.)
The latest additions appear below.
(A: Blah blah blah blah blah...)
It covers more than 600 scientific papers
(A: …this other one too. And you get a PDF, 467-page document as well…)
… can be downloaded by clicking on the following links.
(A: I'll put them up as well.)
Measurements of Radiofrequency Radiation with a Body-Borne Exposimeter in Swedish Schools with Wi-Fi
(A: Quite good too.)
Many schools give each student their own laptop and utilize the laptops and wireless fidelity (Wi-Fi) connection for educational purposes. Most children also bring their own mobile phones to school. Since children are obliged by law to attend school, a safe environment is important.
(A: So they go into discussing radiofrequency radiation…)
Lately, it has been discussed if radiofrequency (RF) radiation can have long-term adverse effects on children’s health.
Results: Eighteen teachers from seven schools participated. (A: So, they’ve carried these things, to detect it, how much you would get in a period of time, of these Wi-Fi signals and radiation.) The mean exposure to RF radiation ranged from 1.1 to 66.1 µW/m2. The highest mean level, 396.6 µW/m2, occurred during 5 min of a lesson when the teacher let the students stream and watch YouTube videos. (A: So I guess YouTube videos, I guess any kind of videos would jump up. The maximum peaks would jump up and it shows you what it went up to.) Maximum peaks went up to 82,857 µW/m2 from mobile phone uplink.
Our measurements are in line with recent exposure studies in schools in other countries. (A: So they're comparing their findings with other countries findings too, in the same kind of studies. Which is the way you're supposed to do it.) The exposure levels varied between the different Wi-Fi systems, and if the students were allowed to use their own smartphones on the school’s Wi-Fi network or if they were connected to GSM/3G/4G base stations outside the school. An access point over the teacher’s head gave higher exposure compared with a school with a wired Internet connection for the teacher in the classroom. All values were far below International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection’s reference values, but most mean levels measured were above the precautionary target level of 3–6 µW/m2 as proposed by the Bioinitiative Report.
So that goes on and on again too. It's all kind of dry stuff. But you've got to read the dry stuff to find out what's going on. And then this other one, this one too…
UK Study Connects Social Media Use and Depression
(A: Which I’m not surprised actually.)
In the UK there is a significant rise in teen suicides, anxiety and depression. The mental health of young people is a major concern. Many celebrities are becoming involved, (A: Oh, see, again, you need celebrities, 'eh. Otherwise we won't take any notice. Isn't that sad, 'eh?) turning their attention to helping young people. The UK Millennium Cohort Study1 involved more than 10,000 teenagers who are 14 years old.
This particular study is unique because it was not only looking at the possibility that social media use could lead to depression but also investigated online harassment, sleep, self-esteem and body image as potential pathways to depressive symptoms. The findings were radical and echo the results of similar studies conducted.
The longer young people spend on social media, the higher the risk of suffering with depressive symptoms.
(A: I don't think it's just teenagers that find it. I think we all get that don't we, 'eh. Just reading the nonsense they give you to read is pretty depressing itself.)
Girls spend more time on social media than boys do.
Girls with greater social media use at the start of adolescence can have poorer mental wellbeing several years later.
(A: This is all predictable, from what they already understood by the big marketing companies, their studies they've done on youngsters, male and female. They know exactly how to target the different genders and so on. And the age groups as well.)
Girls using social media for more than five hours a day reported:
•Fewer hours of sleep
•Disrupted sleep
•Online harassment as either a victim (A: Hhhh…) or a perpetrator
•Low self-esteem
•Dissatisfaction with their self-image
(A: This article goes on to talk about, in the US that is…)
In November, the U.S. National Toxicology Program’s $30M study2 determined:
•“clear evidence” of heart tumours
•Evidence of brain tumours
•Evidence of DNA damage
(A: So there ya go, that’s the US National Toxicology Program study, a massive study that was done.)
Another major 2018 study at Italy’s Ramazzini Institute reported similar findings.
This low-level, (A: And this is low level…) non-ionising microwave radiation pulsing from the wireless antennas is linked in other studies to insomnia, anger, depression, behaviour issues, cognitive impairment, suicidal ideation and more.
Children, the science shows, are especially vulnerable. Each device has multiple antennas (think cellular, data, Bluetooth, WI-FI, hotspot, etc.) and without us realizing it, they are all on all the time, constantly pulsing microwave radiation for a handshake with the nearest cell tower or router. The risks for tumours increase after 30 minutes of daily use of a mobile phone against the head.
(A: There ya go.)
There's a lot in this article, pretty good article too. I'll put these up for those who... who look at them. There's some good sites out there with good studies. It's quite interesting. Interesting to look at some countries like Switzerland that voted, where the teachers voted at one time in 2013 to keep Wi-Fi out of school. And I think there's some kind of anger in Switzerland because there's big money offered and the teachers eventually went along with it a few years later or so. Give them time and they get around all the arguments that are put across to the public, I suppose. That's how it's done.
Switzerland: Teachers Vote to Keep Wi-Fi Out of School - mieuxprevenir.blogspot.com / 1 July 2013
Swiss Firms Will Not Be Compensated if 5G Found to Be Harmful - mieuxprevenir.blogspot.com / 26 May 2019
Something a bit different I just want to touch on. We know there's going to be war with Iran eventually. Because again, it's on the list. And it's in the news, they give you little bits of the usual kind of, the build up to it. That's how things are done. You learn and you accept things by little bits that are put out, and a little bit more and a little bit more, and eventually it's easier to give you the last lie, which is for invasion you see. That's how propaganda works. But if you go into this one here…
U.S. commander says American forces face 'imminent' threat from Iran
nbcnews.com / 6 June 2019
The top commander of U.S. forces in the Middle East says he believes the Iranians or their proxies (A: Their proxies, right…) may orchestrate an attack at any moment.
"I think the threat is imminent," Marine Gen. Frank McKenzie said in an exclusive broadcast interview with NBC News in the Iraqi capital. "We continually evaluate our force posture in the region."
So anyways, it's getting us used to the idea. They won't be happy until the whole list that was published in the 90s is fulfilled. Again, it was General Wesley Clark that came out with the list idea during an interview he gave with Democracy Now when he mentioned, he was stunned to find out there was a whole bunch on the list. Of course they never go back or forget them. This is an agenda and they're going to do it one way or another. I mean, just the starving of these countries alone with embargoes and so on, like they did with Iraq, has incredible effect on the people. And again, as I've said before, you can basically make folk, force folk to leave and get out of the country, that area, leaving it empty [Alan chuckles.] eventually if need be, by the constant threats and embargoes and all the rest of it. There's many ways to take a country down and the US is definitely using a lot of it. And they won't forget it, they won't let it go.
Another article too is… This is from a reporter….
I live-tweeted the AFP's every move as they raided the ABC's Sydney headquarters
abc.net.au / 7 June 2019
(A: They were raided by the police there. It's almost like the equivalent to the BBC getting raided.)
It was a surreal moment: standing with a group of Australian Federal Police (AFP) officers around a big screen, sifting through 9,214 emails and documents belonging to my colleagues.
I felt like I was having surgery but was still conscious. I was seeing and hearing things which I'd rather not be.
It felt a complete violation of us both as journalists and citizens — and it had nothing to do with national security.
It was at that moment that I felt there was something sick about modern Australia — that an institution as important as the media had come to this.
I should jump in and say this is all... aaa... Hhhhh, starting even with Assange and I came out and said that when we saw that very, very high profile attack basically, open day-light type attack on Assange, all the media were there to take the photographs, and were told to come of course to make sure it was broadcast across the world, that this will happen to you if you start to report things which aren't authorized. But now they're going after ones who are, or they think they're authorized to report news to the public, which was standard for news. But you've got to remember that Australia also had their own version at the same time as the Levinson Inquiry in Britain when they changed the rules of what you could say and so on. That's when the media changed. It was like night and day. It's all politically correct and people were scared to say anything at all in case they would get in trouble. Of course, what they're showing us now is that it's for everybody else. It's to terrify anybody out there that once they give out any kind of... Including bloggers, obviously, obviously it is too, 'eh?
It's a good story but you have to read the whole article itself. As I say, there's a, it's almost a rumor, but it said it's about special forces, showing how special forces may have been killing people they weren't authorized to kill in Afghanistan, supposedly. That's one possibility. And there was something else which they haven't mentioned yet too. So, you don't know what to believe at the moment. So, you can just wait and see. But I really think it's a massive exercise as well on putting people under the thumb of government. Even though newspapers generally were, well, they were authorized to inform the public. Well, that's a bit of a myth as well. They've always been cooperative with governments, I would say, at least most of the time. But I think the message is loud and clear now, you can't just go and get news or discover what is newsworthy anymore. Because we're in a different system. As I say, we've moved into a different chapter.
And in Britain as I say, the Leveson Inquiry didn't just stop with the inquiry. They had recommendations and they passed laws as to what could be said basically and so on. And it's the same in Australia. They're really enforcing it now I suppose. As far special forces go, I think the public, I don't know if they'd be shocked or not to find out if some… War is not hygienic. When you unleash soldiers on the public for wartime purpose, especially special forces because they get put in to do a job, 'eh, and that means generally killing people on the way. Even if that's not the main objective they're going to kill folk on the way in and the way out. They really are not, really, in much of a caring attitude as to should they kill them or not, if they're old, young or whatever it is. That's the nature of war. And especially special forces. They're not going to get bogged down with niceties, you might say, or common decencies. And they certainly can't afford conscience, otherwise they crackup and they'll get wiped out themselves. That's not how it works. Let's wisen up here as well as to what war's about. Maybe they'll suffer later in the years, that's a thing too with posttraumatic stress syndrome. But while they're actually in the units like that there's a whole system of ensuring they don't have much of a conscience, put it that way, for the particular type of work that they're going to do. However, I don't know if that's the real story or not and we'll have to wait and see. But as I say, it's a warning to everybody that think they can just tell [Alan chuckles.] what they see is the truth. Those days have changed, drastically.
Now, in the past, I'd like to say this too, this is to do with suicide and assisted dying. Because it's really, they're giving press to it too and I guess it gets folk familiar with the idea so they'll accept more of it. That is the agenda too naturally. But you've got socialism, remember I've said before that the globalists decided a long time ago, and Carol Quigley affirmed this, he said, we're often mistaken as communists because our goals and our agendas are so similar. Well, they're so similar they're pretty well the same.
The elite wanted a system that would control people completely. Socialism is that. That's the idea that they chose. Not what you think you're going to be getting as a worker from the government back in taxes. No, no, no. That's what they want you to believe. Socialism is a regimented system, an ideology, which is communism too, where the state rules and the state has the panels of experts and bosses, commissars ruling your lives from birth to death. Everybody in it gets ruled and there's no real free will eventually down the road. And you have a purpose, they decide what your purpose is going to be. In fact, they'll even decide if they even need you to be born for certain purposes. That's the end goals of where they want to go in scientific socialism, right.
Now, don't forget that National Socialism was what Germany used in World War II. That's what ran the system for a short time. They get all the hatred piled on them because they used what they called the hygiene, national hygiene system to kill people who are in hospital who were psychiatric patients and those who were deemed below par in different ways, and people with physical ones too, disabilities and that area too. And here we are, opening, I knew it would come to it, it's the same system, right, you understand, but somehow this is a good… and we're being humane when we do it, 'eh, isn't it? Isn't it amazing the hypocrisy of the liars at the top that run the system. Right...
Opening Assisted Dying to Psychiatric Patients a Bad Idea? (A: ... a question mark... hm.)
medscape.com / 29 June 2016
"A policy for access to assisted dying by nonterminally ill patients with psychiatric conditions will put many vulnerable and stigmatized people at risk," write Scott Kim, MD, PhD, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland, and Tudo Lemmens, LLM, DCL, University of Toronto Faculty of Law and the Dalla Lana School of Public Health, Ontario, Canada.
"We believe there is a serious gap between the idealized basis upon which assisted dying for patients with psychiatric conditions is advocated and the reality of its practice, as reflected in evidence from Belgium and the Netherlands," they add.
(A: You understand, they always unroll it, like, oh, it's really for real terminally ill people. That's how they always start these things. Just like DARPA, you know, the military industrial research department, we're there to help people and give them chips so's they can move their arms again. You know, aaaaaaaaa, that's how they always start this stuff. So, the same thing, oh we're here to determine… And then they go into, well you're a bit depressed, how about a pill, you know, take this pill. So anyway, this article is quite good and it says...)
"We believe there is a serious gap between the idealized basis upon which assisted dying for patients with psychiatric conditions is advocated and the reality of its practice, as reflected in evidence from Belgium and the Netherlands," they add.
(A: They give you the actual link to the editorial in fact that was published in the Canadian Medical Association Journal.)
Their editorial was published online June 21 in the Canadian Medical Association Journal.
It's really something. And I knew it would come to this because they always, they never change, a leopard never changes its spots. Or it's techniques, you know. It's always there to help you. It's always for you, we want to help you. Yeah, we don't want you suffering, hm, in any way at all, we don't want you suffering whatsoever. And that's how it's put across to you. And then...
Belgium investigates right-to-die group offering suicide powder
theguardian.com / 31 May 2019
The Last Will group, which has about 23,000 paying members with an average age of 69, was blocked by the Dutch authorities last year from helping approximately 1,000 people purchase the lethal drug but continues to offer advice on legal ways to obtain it.
The reason I think a lot of this is in the paper again is because they made a big, almost like a publicity… It's almost like… Yeah, I guess it's a publicity stunt in a sense, but it's real, supposedly. It says that a girl, a young woman took her own life in 2015...
Doctor Killed Healthy 24-Year-Old in Euthanasia Who Thought of Suicide Since She Was a Kid (A: …a child.) - lifenews.com / 22 June 2015
And then Belgium, it says it's getting worse and worse and worse, right. So basically, what you've got here is… You see, anybody who might be what they'll call a burden on society, an economic liability, it's cheaper to get rid of you. It's the same if you're elderly. You might be scared to go into hospital now when they can offer you suicide basically. Because they like it, it's going to save money for the system. They got more money, they can spend it on other good causes. And I won't even go into that.
But there you go, they aren't going to help people who have a mental problem. Even if it's temporary. Do you know how many young people really get depressed? It's a normal thing to go through when you're young, as you’re trying to figure out what life is about and where you are in life and where you stand with everybody and so on, as you're finding yourself. That's why even youngsters, you used to say, they were ungainly… Especially the males trying to walk when you're an adolescent, you're trying to walk like a person who knows what they're doing and you're self-possessed and so on. But you might feel, in actual fact, gangly, gangly legs and that as you're... because you're still growing. That's how it is. But to get depressed and things and then get offered suicide, come on. It says here…
Raped girl, 17, legally allowed to die in Holland after suffering ‘unbearable pain’ since childhood abuse
thesun.co.uk / 5 June 2019
… died on Sunday in an “end-of-life clinic” bed in her living room in the Netherlands after she refused food…
Now, they'll use this for the debate, of course, naturally, and like a PR thing too. They'll make hay out of this. And folk will go, they'll pick sides without knowing all the facts. This is how it's done. And that's how you're led to your opinions in the system.
Criminal Case Spurs a Rethink of Euthanasia for Mental Illness
medscape.com / 19 Feb 2019
The recent launch of a criminal investigation into a case of medically assisted death for psychiatric illness in Belgium, reported by multiple media sources, is shining a spotlight on growing concerns — even among supporters — about the controversial practice.
I'll tell you something, it won't just end with you choosing. It's going to… This is the whole thing about it, where it always has to go. Eventually the state will decide to kill you. I'm not kidding you, this is where it's to go. Hhhch, and you're constantly being trained to believe professionals and accept them and do what you're told, obey, obey, obey. And as this system goes in and in and in, you're being brainwashed in a thousand different ways through techniques you don't even understand are happening to you and being used on you. And that's where it's supposed to end up. And you'll have the state advising this to you.
It's already happening where they advise you to take it, I've done stories on that before. But this will be the normal. And they'll demand you take it. I'm not kidding you. They might not even tell you. This is really where it's supposed to go, folks. A professor in Australia, I told you, came out a few years ago and he got big press on television, naturally, saying that, you know, if people would just hit the retirement age and die, he said, and the excuse was, well it will leave more work for young people to take. But the whole point is it's the planned, literally the planned society, including planned death, folks. Brave New World, here you are. M-hm. There you go.
But also, we've got the odd things happening that don't make much sense because they won't tell you much, will they? It says…
Three Chinese warships dock in Sydney Harbour — but were they even invited? - businessinsider.com.au / 3 June 2019
Supposedly it was a surprise. Although again, the Prime Minister eventually, and says, no, it wasn't really, you know. But everybody else, it's gotta be something to it. It was a bit of a surprise, apparently. And who knows what's happening there. Maybe they’re forcing them to buy Huawei, who knows! [Alan laughing.] Gunboat diplomacy, 'eh? M-hm. After all, that's what the US used in Japan to force them to trade a long time ago. And that's what also the US and Britain and France did on China, to force them as well, they put bails of opium in until they succumbed to it. But there you go, that's how it really is.
It's just astonishing the world that we live in, isn't it? It really is. I'll put these links up, remember, for those who really care to read through them and plow through them. And for those who can handle it, you know, no one wants to think that stuff is damaging us… even though the statistics out there and the disclosures of studies showing us about all the cancers we're getting off this stuff. And you wonder why they're giving you more and more and more. You know, the folk who design these things and make them won't even carry a cell phone! What does that tell you?
That's the world we live in, folks. So sorry for a dry talk today but there was so… I wanted to get that stuff out on the 5G because you got to start thinking about things. You really do. You're getting bathed in the stuff wherever you go. When it's really up and running, it's the Internet-of-things, as I say, where nanotechnology... Don't forget the articles on nanotechnology and the big, oh, wonderful, wonderful things they're going to do with 5G, and nanotechnology will get it signals... and all these little particles and that, like little microorganisms almost, could get together in your bloodstream and repair things and stuff… be programmed externally from any distance across the world, to you. In other words, all these things can be done to you without you knowing about it or getting approval or anything else. And you really want that happening to you? Hm?
Do you really want what Persinger the professor who had worked for the big military boys at one point, he talked about the big field of, basically that could, they could... you're living in a field, he meant Wi-Fi, and eventually no one would be, could be ignorant of other folks' sufferings. You'd know what people across the world were, how they were starving, you’d feel it, you’d know it. You'd literally feel it, because they'd be in your brain, you see. Do you really want that system? Of course you don't. Well you’re not going to get much of a say in it. Well, you get a say in it if you demand it. If you don't demand it, you get no say in it. Simple as that. And it's always pushed as a great, great thing.
Michael Persinger on No More Secrets - youtube.com / 30 Mar 2011
You know, you've got to have logic in the world and consistency of logic. And I'm not putting a damper on anything, I'm just stating logic and some fact. If you want to be able to stop people smoking, because of the tar in cigarettes that's carcinogenic, it's not just the tar, it's ALL of the chemicals the government demanded that were put in the tobacco, by law, hundreds of them. They weren't necessary. And they haven't explained yet why they demanded to get put in. But also, the tar, okay, but smoking, now that government is in on pushing marijuana, big big massive business, right, and the minute those at the top of government, including the legal profession, and who are in the departments of Attorney Generals and so on, top characters, have got shares in the company, 'eh. Now that they're running it all, marijuana is, have you seen the tar that comes off of that stuff? Waay beyond cigarettes. But that's okay.
Well, as I say, logic has to be logical, and it must maintain logic. You can't just have… you can't have it both ways. It's not logic if you go in different directions here, you know, on the same kind of problem. Tar is tar, 'eh. That's good tar, this is bad tar. Because why? Because the government's pushing it now, 'eh, for big business. You got to start thinking for yourselves. On everything. Including this 5G. And including below the 5G because don't forget we've been getting the reports of the cancers from, you know, the 2 1/2 all the way up to now, the 5G. It's sad but true.
And really, that's all I can say tonight unfortunately because I've run through this stuff. I was going to talk about different things tonight but I thought I should get all this… this kind of depressing data out, just for the articles themselves, for those who want to go through it. That's how knowledge spreads, it's from the ones that can handle it. They can handle the bad news and they're not scared to delve into it and then pass it on to other people too. That's how things change. The people who turn their heads away because it's bad news really don't change anything. They enable things to happen because of their silence. That's what they count on of course.
And I don't blame the people. Life is tough enough for most folk without having to worry, worry, worry about other things too. Don't worry about it. The ones who can handle this stuff don't worry so much. They're cautious, they understand it, but they won't sit and let it destroy them, that's the difference. That's the best you can do.
For myself from Ontario, Canada, I'm Alan Watt and it's good night and may your God or your gods go with you.
Topics of show covered in following links:
5G: Finally, it's here in the UK - so what is it?
bbc.com / 30 May 2019
Live BBC broadcast over 5G network on launch day fails
bbc.com / 30 May 2019
5G, There's Nowhere to Hide!
mieuxprevenir.blogspot.com / 26 May 2019
5G: Why Orkney got the latest tech before London
bbc.com / 30 May 2019
Europe 5G to cost many billions more if Chinese vendors banned
aljazeera.com / 7 Jun 2019
US Military Developing Wireless Tech to Control Weapons With Your Mind
tomsguide.com / 22 May 2019
Amazon wants to 3D-scan volunteers’ bodies for a $25 gift card
theverge.com / 23 May 2019
Comments on US National Toxicology Program reports on toxicology and carcinogenesis study in rats exposed to whole-body radiofrequency radiation at 900 MHz and in mice exposed to whole-body radiofrequency radiation at 1,900 MHz
ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/24 Oct 2018
WHO - Electromagnetic fields and public health
who.int / May 2006
Electromagnetic Radiation Safety
saferemr.com / 9 June 2019
Measurements of Radiofrequency Radiation with a Body-Borne Exposimeter in Swedish Schools with Wi-Fi
UK Study Connects Social Media Use and Depression
Switzerland: Teachers Vote to Keep Wi-Fi Out of School
mieuxprevenir.blogspot.com / 1 July 2013
Swiss Firms Will Not Be Compensated if 5G Found to Be Harmful
mieuxprevenir.blogspot.com / 26 May 2019
Michael Persinger on No More Secrets
youtube.com / 30 Mar 2011
I live-tweeted the AFP's every move as they raided the ABC's Sydney headquarters
abc.net.au / 7 June 2019
U.S. commander says American forces face 'imminent' threat from Iran
nbcnews.com / 6 June 2019
Opening Assisted Dying to Psychiatric Patients a Bad Idea?
medscape.com / 29 June 2016
Belgium investigates right-to-die group offering suicide powder
theguardian.com / 31 May 2019
Doctor Killed Healthy 24-Year-Old in Euthanasia
lifenews.com / 22 June 2015
Raped girl, 17, legally allowed to die in Holland
thesun.co.uk / 5 June 2019
Criminal Case Spurs a Rethink of Euthanasia for Mental Illness
medscape.com / 19 Feb 2019
Three Chinese warships dock in Sydney Harbour — but were they even invited?
businessinsider.com.au / 3 June 2019
5G: Finally, it's here in the UK - so what is it?
bbc.com / 30 May 2019
Live BBC broadcast over 5G network on launch day fails
bbc.com / 30 May 2019
5G, There's Nowhere to Hide!
mieuxprevenir.blogspot.com / 26 May 2019
5G: Why Orkney got the latest tech before London
bbc.com / 30 May 2019
Europe 5G to cost many billions more if Chinese vendors banned
aljazeera.com / 7 Jun 2019
US Military Developing Wireless Tech to Control Weapons With Your Mind
tomsguide.com / 22 May 2019
Amazon wants to 3D-scan volunteers’ bodies for a $25 gift card
theverge.com / 23 May 2019
Comments on US National Toxicology Program reports on toxicology and carcinogenesis study in rats exposed to whole-body radiofrequency radiation at 900 MHz and in mice exposed to whole-body radiofrequency radiation at 1,900 MHz
ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/24 Oct 2018
WHO - Electromagnetic fields and public health
who.int / May 2006
Electromagnetic Radiation Safety
saferemr.com / 9 June 2019
Measurements of Radiofrequency Radiation with a Body-Borne Exposimeter in Swedish Schools with Wi-Fi
UK Study Connects Social Media Use and Depression
Switzerland: Teachers Vote to Keep Wi-Fi Out of School
mieuxprevenir.blogspot.com / 1 July 2013
Swiss Firms Will Not Be Compensated if 5G Found to Be Harmful
mieuxprevenir.blogspot.com / 26 May 2019
Michael Persinger on No More Secrets
youtube.com / 30 Mar 2011
I live-tweeted the AFP's every move as they raided the ABC's Sydney headquarters
abc.net.au / 7 June 2019
nbcnews.com / 6 June 2019
Opening Assisted Dying to Psychiatric Patients a Bad Idea?
medscape.com / 29 June 2016
Belgium investigates right-to-die group offering suicide powder
theguardian.com / 31 May 2019
Doctor Killed Healthy 24-Year-Old in Euthanasia
lifenews.com / 22 June 2015
Raped girl, 17, legally allowed to die in Holland
thesun.co.uk / 5 June 2019
Criminal Case Spurs a Rethink of Euthanasia for Mental Illness
medscape.com / 19 Feb 2019
Three Chinese warships dock in Sydney Harbour — but were they even invited?
businessinsider.com.au / 3 June 2019