Soviet-created anti-Zionist leaflets dropped in Syria depict Israel and the “evil West” running ISIS, as propaganda to agitate the Muslims against West and into Communist hands.
Realizing the truth of the Perestroika deception has changed our understanding of the entire geopolitical game significantly.
This rare knowledge, brought to us by brave souls like Anatoliy Golitsyn, has made everything clearer. We can now see the full scope of Jewish power today in a world swarming with disinformation and controlled opposition.
If Jewish Bolshevik power never left Russia but remained and, as one of its objectives, created and groomed Israel as a Soviet satellite, is it reasonable to assume that the infamous Elders of Zion—the Kahal— are based in Moscow and not Tel Aviv?
Remember that Jewry once used England as its base of operations, thanks to traitors like Oliver Cromwell, and it appears that not long after Judaic ‘Brit’ain helped found the masonic republic of the United States of America, Jewry set its sights on the Holy Russian Empire, not only to eradicate Christian monarchy but also to set up a base of operations for its international super government.
By Timothy Fitzpatrick Jan. 14, 2019
And if the Chosenite base of operations resides in the Lubyanka, whether through its international crime syndicate Chabad Lubavitch, the POLITBURO, or the still-functioning COMINTERN, it can only be reasonable to assume that its Balkanization plan for the Middle East, commonly known as the Oded Yinon Plan, is also directed from Russia.What’s more, the Yinon Plan seems to serve as a model for a global Balkanization scheme, which is nothing more than old Soviet expansionism, with Eurasian-led global collectivism as the ultimate goal.
Well, as it happens, Russia has a long history of fomenting anti-Zionist agitation, especially in the Arab world.When they aren’t dropping leaflets from planes over Syria with cartoons of America and Israel puppeteering ISIS, the crypto-Soviet empire of Russia is directing almost every single liberation organization (color revolutions) in the Arab world and even in the West. These liberation organizations—like the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO), for example—have been telling Muslims for decades that they must rise up against the great Zionist power and its Western backers America. Israel and the West are the great Satan, the rhetoric goes. This is an awfully convenient narrative for anti-Western communist expansionist aspirations, isn’t it? In the West, the KGB-run Irish Republican Army (IRA) is anti-Zionist and even overtly Marxist, as was the violent FLQ separatist group in Quebec, Canada. The continuity is all there: “liberation”, anti-Zionism, and Marxism. Yet no one of prominence seems to make these obvious connections. Of course, these liberation fronts are all about “liberating” said nations expressly so that they can be gobbled up by Soviet expansion.
This Soviet agitation of the Muslim world achieves several key goals for Jewish world imperium:1. It makes possible the potential for creating Islamic terrorism, which can then be used in false flag attacks around the world, not just in Islamic countries. This terrorist threat can be exported to virtually any Soviet satellite or through its criminal network in the West—all the more so when Israel and double agents within Western intelligence are providing cover for the export. With authentic terrorist attacks, it serves by keeping the Jewish people (at home and abroad) in a constant state of fear and in subjugation to their Pharisaic Jewish leaders (as the Protocols of Zion presciently revealed over 100 years ago, “Their anti-Semitism is indispensible to us for the management of our lesser brethren”). The wave of modern terrorism also has the benefit of providing a pretext for Western countries to bring in oppressive police measures on the general population (this also benefits the technocracy aspect of Jewish global conquest: non-stop surveillance, smart grid, environmentalism [also Soviet controlled], etc.)2. By linking the West to Jewish oppression of the Arab world, the West is discredited and demonized to the Arab world, leaving Muslims sympathetic to Soviet expansionism in the Arab world (Arab oil, among other things) and in the West (including in Ukraine and Europe). This demonization of the West only fuels more indignant Muslim radicals to commit terrorism and/or join Russo-Judeo-controlled false flag capers like ISIS, Al Qaeda, ISIL, etc. in Western countries.3. To moderate Muslims, Soviet agitation pits them against the West and even their own Arab leaders (who are mostly KGB assets, like Assad in Syria), because Soviet propaganda has moderates believing that Israel and the West are behind Jihadist groups, which is partially true. Essentially, this is the driving force behind the Balkanization of the Arab world: moderates against radicals, radicals against the West and Israel, moderates and radicals against their own government—just constant infighting. That’s been the Russian-Jewish strategy since Israel was founded in 1948 (Israel’s legitimacy was first officially recognized by the Soviet Union).4. Finally, with this constant fracturing and splintering of Islamic states, displaced Muslims are left fleeing to the West, which furthers the Russo-Judeo Kalergi plan of diluting white, Western, Christian nations with Muslims, blacks, Asians, etc. in order to create a massive mongrel slave class—primed for a technocratic Orwellian clamp down. Western liberals, who should be more opposed to Islamic immigration than anyone (due to Sharia), have been tricked into supporting the Islamic invasion of the West because they perceive Israeli oppression of the Islamic world as being part of British-American colonialism, which they hate far more than Sharia law. Colonialism, however liberals perceive it, is considered the greatest evil in history. Therefore, they feel a sense of guilt and sympathy to the perceived plight of the Islamic world. This Leftist perception did not come about by accident. It was planned this way. Now, Leftists are falling for the gambit and cheerleading the Kalergi plan.5. The perception of Russia as the anti-Zionist hero of the Middle East and as an Orthodox Christian ethno state serves the final goal of hoodwinking the last bastion of opposition to global communism: Western nationalists/conservatives. Win them over and it’s game over. This is where we are at today. Putinist Russia and the Trump regime are all about streamlining conservative/nationalist sentiment into communist hands in Russia. The Western Left is already Marxist; all that is left is to honeypot conservatives and anti-communists. This goal is almost a done deal, as most in the alt media and in the nationalist cause are pro-Russia, pro-Trump. What Jewry does next remains to be seen.Hopefully by now, you can see how both Russia and Israel benefit from anti-Zionism. Anti-Zionism does not hurt Israel. It only plays into Jewry’s hands. Russia plays the good cop while Israel plays the bad cop. The bad cop pushes the Arab world into the seemingly loving arms of the good cop.
Another benefit of running and controlling the global anti-Zionist movement is that Jewry gets to homogenize their opposition into a smaller, more manageable “opponent”. How many individuals seeking the truth on the Jewish question have been derailed and suckered into becoming anti-Zionist activists? Plenty. Was Rachel Corrie’s death really heroic? Zionism itself has little to do with the age-old Jewish question. The Jewish problem has been around a lot longer than the state of Israel has. In this way, anti-Zionism serves as a distraction. Kremlin organs like Zerohedge and Russia Insider facilitate this same homogenization scheme but using a slightly harsher tone than anti-Zionism (I wrote an article about this using Russia Insider as an example). It seems that these organs rarely ever cast Israel or Jews in a negative light without first implicating the West.
Ultimately, Zionism serves Jewry by allowing it to control its opposition, its own people (at home and abroad), as well as Christian Zionists, and allows Russia to control the Arab world. Control of the Arab world gives Russia, in cooperation with China, the resources it needs to economically and genetically overthrow the West and helps it to water down and weed out opponents to world Jewish collectivism.